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Elegant Villa in Bahia Azul (Mallorca) with Pool, Private SPA and park-like garden

For members of the Bernstein investment community we offer preferred rental rates for a vacation home on the island of Mallorca, situated in the picturesque village of Bahia Azul.   Property   Location   Bahia Azul is a small residential village with an independent infrastructure sitting on a cliff overlooking the Bay of Palma. It […]


Cosy Vacation Home on the Lake of Constance

For members of the Bernstein investment community we offer preferred rental rates for a vacation home on the German side of the Lake of Constance, situated in the picturesque village of Wangen/Öhningen.   Location   Wangen is a small community with about 1,000 inhabitants with various restaurants, hotels and a beach club. You can rent […]


Bernstein Long-Term Trends: (3) Erosion of Government

A good day everybody:   Yesterday was Election Day for the European Parliament. It is still a more symbolic institution with limited rights. But given its low significance, voters express their real views more openly compared to national elections. So the results were extreme. Green parties are a clear winner. Mainstream got hammered everywhere. The […]


Ten Questions and Answers on Crypto Currencies | Newsletter One

Dear reader:   We are happy to present you herewith the first issue of our newsletter (downloadable version). We publish the newsletter in (mainly) monthly intervals to address specific topics which we think could (and should) be of interest to you. They are always somewhat related to our core investment principles set out in “The […]


Bernstein – Long-Term Trends

It is neither possible nor advisable to shift through millions of news items every day in order to determine or to adjust your investment strategy. Reacting to the unpredictable swings of the market isn’t advisable either. It is just the wrong information diet. The key is to identify and invest in profitable companies with a […]

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Feature Articles



“This part of our website is reserved for the more personal opinions and communications by one of our Managing Partners, Felix Schauerte. It will cover a wider range of topics in the political, historical, psychological as well as social spheres. Note should be taken that it does not purport to be scientific in the sense that any possible previous research and commentary on a chosen topic had been taken into account. To the contrary, it is meant to be more spontaneous with a fresher, unbiased view on matters. The flipside will be occasional lapses in judgment, which could have been avoided thru better and more profound preparation on the subject matter. The author will entirely and personally take the blame for that.”

investor priviledges

Felix enjoying the slopes in Austria

Bernstein Blog – Social Media Marketing in the Financial Services Industry

We have a well-performing, growing investment product. It has done great for our early investors, consisting mainly of ourselves and friends & family. It has a clearly defined, value-oriented strategy which has proven its worth since January 2015 with a total return of almost 60%. The approach is at the same time conservative – capital […]


Buying Physical Gold – the Degussa Effect | Bernstein Trust

  So recently I met a German guy at the airport and we had a discussion on current politics and the uncertainties facing us. He, I like to call him “Dr. Doom”, told me that he was “investing” a major part of his savings into physical gold, because the Euro “couldn’t be trusted anymore”. I […]


A huge gain, continued pain | Felix Schauerte

The daily global consumption of crude oil is about 93mn barrels. At a price of around USD 100 per barrel, prevailing between 2010 and the beginning of 2014, approx. USD 9,3bn was paid by consumers to the producers on a daily basis. Per year, that amounted to approx. USD 3,400bn. Against that benchmark, at today’s price of […]


Posts to follow shortly:


  • Dividend Aristocrat - "Buying Dividend Stocks"
  • The A- vs H-Shares Paradox - "Buying Chinese & Hong Kong Stocks"
  • The next new thing - "Buying Tech Stocks"
  • The UBS Story - "UBS Deutschland - the Ups and Downs of Swiss Private Banks"