Who we are:


 A specialised investment management boutique with offices in …


private banking
Diversified Investments
value investing
Bernstein Trust Services

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Was wir machen:


 Beste Geldanlage für Intelligent Investors  …



Our fund:


Bernstein Value & Income Portfolio 


+8.8% in 2015



Our inspiration:


Warren Buffett

The Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio



Our guiding star:


Benjamin Graham

The Intelligent Investor


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Wie wir arbeiten:


 Privatbank Service wie in der Schweiz, besser performt …




Clear-cut documentation

Simple fund structure

Strong analytics




Consistently > 8%

Less volatile than Benchmarks

Barclay Hedge Profile




Team fully co-invests

Cost ratio of 0.4%

High Watermark




Small team

Low overhead

Direct communication


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